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One of the most action-packed areas of your home is the kitchen sink. Whether it is cleaning the fresh produce that you just bought from Edmonton’s farmer market, thawing a pack of meat, washing your dishes or getting water for cooking, your kitchen sink and faucet has a lot of work to do in a day. With such an intense duty to perform and extensive usage, the kitchen sink is subjected to a lot of dirt, grease and grime.

Prolonged exposure to food particles, cooking procedures and oily substances can make your kitchen quite unhealthy and prone to germs and unhealthy bacteria. Most of us wipe down our sinks after cooking. But most times just wiping down a surface may not be enough and what you need is an in-depth cleaning routine. Here are the top five tips on how to keep your sink clean and free from germ build up.

Clean up the kitchen sink regularly

This one is quite a no brainer as most of us make it a point to wipe down our kitchen sink after each use. Habitual cleaning of your kitchen counter and sink is one of the best practices to prevent the onset of germ build up. According to one study, kitchen sinks are believed to contain more than 100,000 bacteria per square centimetre while an average toilet hosts only 50 bacteria per square inch. This comparison and the startling statistics have raised quite a few eyebrows.

One of the best ways to prevent the onset of germ build-up is to regularly clean your kitchen sink using soap, water and a washable rag. If you have just washed meats, or your dog bowl, you can use a few additional steps. To create an effective cleaning solution, fill in your bottle with 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol, 1/2 cup water and 1/2 tsp castile soap. Then add about ten drops of lemon essential oil to the mix and let it sit for a minute or two before wiping dry. Make sure to dry out your sink entirely before using it next. You can also consider opening nearby windows and doors to help ventilation.

Drains and disposals

Unattended food scraps and buildups in the sink drain and disposals can be a thriving ground for bacteria and germs which can quickly get into our system through the utensils we wash in the sink. Make sure to keep cold water running every time you use the disposal. You can also consider popping a citrus and vinegar ice cube. The vinegar is a powerful sanitizer, and the citrus gets rid of lingering odours.

Dishes after cooking

It is best not to procrastinate doing your dishes after you are done finishing a meal. Unwashed dishes with food remains are potential sources of bacterial grime and of course foul odour that is likely to fill up your kitchen by next day morning. Make sure to rinse off your plates and load them in the dishwasher or at least soak them in soapy water so that even your sink doesn’t get greasy.

Choosing the right sink design that is perfect for your needs and is made from high-quality material is a must if you want the sink to be cleaned efficiently. Aqua Bath is specialized in providing quality designs for all your bathroom and kitchen needs, including sink designs. Their range of colours, designs and high-quality furniture is sure to alleviate the look and feel of any home.

We have recently opened a new bathroom showroom in Calgary, come check it out today.