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According to a study reported by Mirror UK, a vast number of people have admitted that they seek solace in their bathrooms for some peace and quiet. Imagine walking through a freezing Edmonton winter evening and soaking in a warm bathtub thereafter. A great bathroom with a warm bathtub ends a winter day perfectly. However, not all of us are that lucky. With rising property prices, the dream of owning a spacious bathroom is often replaced by a small cramped up bathroom with barely enough to keep the essentials. Does that mean our dream of a bathtub is over? Don’t throw away the dream just yet! Interior specialists working on bathroom renovations recommend investing in some state-of-the-art options to make your dream bathtub a reality, even with limited spaces.

So for all those who thought that the luxuries of a bathtub are only for those spacious bathrooms, here is a list of bathtub options to choose from, for smaller bathrooms.

An Inset Bathtub

Inset bathtubs are a perfect option for small bathrooms. They are usually fit flush against a wall and help to accommodate themselves in really small spaces. They work especially well with bathroom spaces having recesses and alcoves. As inset baths are considerably narrow and enclosed by three walls, they are a great space maximizing option, especially when fitted into alcoves.

Shower baths

Shower baths are usually combined with inset bathtubs to give an experience and flexibility of both a tub as well as a shower. They are especially great in cities where bathroom sizes are smaller and people want to extract maximum utility out of their bath spaces. Alternatively, many people choose to completely take out a separate tub option and have just a tub like a shallow enclosure and a shower fitted against the recesses. The L-shaped and P- shaped baths are quite popular as they allow a lot of space for showering.

Compact baths

Some bathrooms have so little space that a full-length bath is almost impossible. Many people prefer to swap a full sized bath with a compact version that is customized to fit in narrower and smaller spaces. Such baths are often deeper and help to compensate on the space crunch, allowing a glimpse of a full sized bath luxury.

Corner baths

Corner baths are a great space saving option for bathrooms that are not ideally shaped. They can be conveniently set up in any corner of a bathroom allowing great flexibility and space. Such an arrangement helps to spare ample space for storing bath products, keeping a small potted plant or adding decoration to a small bathroom. Corner baths are available with right and left handed bath fittings, making them practical for almost everyone.


Freestanding baths can be a great compact alternative to ensure that your bathroom looks well kept and put together, without taking up too much space. Freestanding baths are a great option if you want to keep your bathroom design intact. Not only do they add a luxurious feel to any bathroom, but also make an ordinary bathroom look retro and stylish. This is probably the reason why they are widely depicted in most classy movies.

While choosing the right design and customizing it to your needs, space and utility can be a challenge, experts in the bath fitting industry like Aqua Bath can provide excellent guidance and a variety of choices in bathtubs to renovate your small bathroom and add more style and panache to it.

Aqua Bath is a leading manufacturer of acrylic bathtubs and showers with an experience of more than 150 years in providing superior quality bathtubs, suited for different shape and sizes of bathrooms. Contact us for more information or visit our location in Edmonton. If you are looking for a new bathtub, check out our new showroom in Calgary and browse through out collection of bathtubs.